Simple, eternal truths lead to happy, spiritually successful lives. We call these principles Happiness Habits.
You probably learned many of these happiness principles early in life at your Sunday school, temple, mosque or in kindergarten. You were told they were keys to a good and righteous life.
The truth is, they are also secrets to happiness! Things we thought we had to do for righteousness we can now want to do because we know they expand and strengthen our happiness.
Doing Good Makes Us Feel Good!
Embracing these principles brings greater happiness and spiritual success into our lives. Ignoring them leads to misery.
Here are highlights from Happiness and Faith Part 1 -
Be Guided By Goodness - When we focus on doing good things we feel good. Doing Good Makes Us Feel Good!
The First Law of Happiness: Our Focus Determines our Feelings.
When we focus on good things, we feel energized, elated, enthusiastic.
When we focus on bad things we feel sad, anxious, angry or depressed.
University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center -
A recent study to find which jobs bring the greatest joy and job satisfaction:
1. Clergy
2. Firefighters
3. Physical Therapists
All are relatively low paying jobs but they are dedicated to helping people. Helping professions bring the highest happiness and greatest job satisfaction.
The First Law of Happiness: Our Focus Determines Our Feelings.
When we focus on doing good, we feel good.
What's the Biggest Barrier to Happiness?
The Fault Finding Feel Goods - Those terribly enticing tendencies to judge, criticize, blame or ridicule in order to feel good about ourselves. It feels good on some level but we are still focusing on something negative. This is not the way to happiness and spiritual success.
How do we use judgment wisely? "Don't Judge" is central to many spiritual teachings.
Negative judgments are the power behind all worries, fear, anxiety and emotional pain. Some negative judgments are good, for example, Don't do drugs!
The key is to ask, "How can the negative judgment help me?"
Then turn negative judgments into positive actions. If the negative judgment can't help you, let it go! It's only making you miserable.
Here's wishing you great happiness and spiritual success!
Copyright © 2007-2008, Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without written permission from the author. Explore for more about happiness and spiritual success.
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